Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My dear Tun Mahathir….

  Malaysian Mirror       Wednesday, April 22, 2020

In most of your answers, you proved your inability. You could not retain your own party people because you failed and you had not understood them. A good leader never blames others for his faults. When answering you always used "I" instead of "we". This shows how much selfish you are. That is the very reason you failed.

The government you headed comprised of many capable ministers. You never gave due recognition to them. Also you said you have developed all plans. "I developed plans". "Not we developed" Have you forgotten most plans were developed as a team although you claimed the credit. A good leader always gives due recognition and credit to his team. You have never done that. That is the very reason your followers deserted you. Knowing Anwar had the majority, you did not give him the Premiership. You were jealous of him from the beginning, you saw his ability to outshine you as a Prime Minister.

You finally admitted you are old and do not want to be the PM. You know the challenges you will have to face if you come back to power. So, you want to save your own skin by running away. You go on to say there are no capable young leaderships. You had ample opportunities during your premiership to help develop young leaders. Have you done that? As I understand, when promising young leaderships rose, you very cunningly managed to discourage them or destroy them. You say you developed the Buildings, roads etc. But those can be done by anyone if finances are available. How many leaders you built? None! You never did facilitate in developing leaderships. You brought misery by dividing through your Bumiputra and established suspicion and mistrust among the united Malay community. Although you do not show, I feel you repent very much in your inner self. Good bye Tun Mahathir. Stay at home. Be safe…!!! Remember, CORVID-19 is there outside waiting!

A Malay friend

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Thanks for reading My dear Tun Mahathir….

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